It is this spirit of openness that in the past allowed an English doctor to open the first private hospital in Hangzhou in 1903, allowed an Austrian and Canadian doctor to help in the revolution as field doctors with the revolutionary army, and to also be consultants to the ministry of health. It allowed doctor the American doctor Ma Haide to help in the elimination of leprosy in China.
And I thought to myself, why not?So then I had an experience that would further promote my thinking about how I could help in this way. In the 1990s, there was a great increase in the birthrate in China, and many obstetrics hospitals were tremendously overburden. In fact, there weren‘t enough beds for every pregnant woman in China.
责任编辑:孙剑嵩CDF Talk | 和睦家创始人李碧菁:我在中国建医院来源:中国发展高层论坛李碧菁(Roberta Lipson)星星之火—我在中国建医院Bringing New Ideas to Healthcare in China“在开业之前,我们数了一下,一共拿到了来自180个不同政府部门的印章,每一个印章背后都有一个故事。”